Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Collegial Visits for the iLearn Project

As the first year of our iLearn project draws to a close we have decided to offer teachers the opportunity for a professional visit to a nearby iLearn project school. The students have now been operating in a 1-1 iPad environment since Term 1 so it is a chance to share the learning that has taken place.

Teacher Modelling iMovie Trailer
 Collegial visits provide a reciprocal opportunity to visit another iLearn classroom and exchange teaching resources and ideas. Collegial visits are NOT concerned with professional critique or judgement nor teacher appraisal. They will be our main professional learning opportunity for the teachers for this term. Over the course of a school day, each school team will visit another Year 4 iLearn classroom in a nearby project school and also host a return visit in their own learning space.  Each classroom visit will be followed by an hour long professional conversation led by the Teaching Educator and a school leader. It will incorporate shared reflection on the student learning observed, in light of the SAMR framework and identified 21st Century learning skills.

Clear protocols have been developed to ensure the visits take place in a spirit of mutual respect and trust. A simple observation tool is used for data gathering and reflection to support the professional conversations. The Observation Tool will then be used to support the professional dialogue. We hope this will be a wonderful learning opportunity for all.

1 comment:

  1. Nicole
    As a technology integration coach I appreciate your use of protocols for the classroom visits. Giving teachers the ability to visit other schools involved in the project, and having established guidelines including a professional conversation is an excellent model. We have peer observations within our school and with your permission I would like to share the protocols with my colleagues as I think this will provide opportunities for deeper learning.


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